Join Us!


In the summer, worship takes place in an informal setting around tables (coffee house style) in sunny Fellowship Hall. See worship and Sunday School times to the right of your screen.


In September, we return to the sanctuary. In either setting, people dress as they are comfortable.

Come as you are.


In both settings, worship centers around the Scripture lessons of the day. Children are welcome in worship, and at Christ's table during communion.  Parents have the freedom to decide when they want their children to partake.


We strive to make worship family friendly, mindful of the comfort and safety of children and youth, and including them as participants in worship at age appropriate levels. We avoid the use of big churchy words, that frankly no one understands.


Ministry happens largely through four ministry teams that focus on Worship preparation, Christian education for all ages, Mission (outreach to our community and world), Support Team that cares for our building and finances. Small ministry teams form to work on long-term and short-term projects from working on next year's budget and stewardship to VBS and Mission Trips.


People are incouraged to identiy their gifts and use them for God's purpose inside and outside of church walls. What are your God-given gifts and talents? What areas of ministry interest you?




© 2025 First Congregational UCC
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