

Faith Development


9AM Sunday School for children and youth begins in September and ends in May. Bible studies are offered at different times and over different topics.   Click here for the registration form for Sunday School. As part of their Christian education and spiritual development,  the team also creates and encourages youth and children to serve the wider community (See Transformation Ministry). Leaders join with First Presbyterian and Trinity Episcopal Churches to offer Vacation Bible School and the annual Easter Egg Hunt on our church yard.



Jane Uzzell leads the monthly Wednesday book group. This unique group reads illustrated children's books because "they get to the heart of the matter quickly". Each year the club choses a theme and book recommendations from the library. 2022 focus is social-emotional learning. Other themes have included 'Celebration', 'Character', and 'the World'.  After the discussion, the group often shares a potluck style lunch. There are no books to buy, and you need not be a member to participate. 


Support Ministry

Support is responsible for caring for the building and grounds. They hire staff as needed, and an action team prepares the budget each year.


Transformation Ministry

We are a Five-for-Five church, meaning we give to the five special offerings of the United Church of Christ throughout the year.  The Norfolk Community Pantry is our responsibility two weeks in June.  In June, we provide three volunteers every day to work at the pantry and money to supply the fresh items. Other projects are chosen as the need is determined.


Regular youth outreach opportunities have included:

-Volunteering at Norfolk Animal Shelter (cleaning and playing with dog & cats)

-Food collection for Norfolk Community Food Pantry

-Preparing and delivering meals to Norfolk Rescue Mission

-Participating in To Norfolk With Love (Citywide projects)

-(pre Covid-19) Hosting ice-cream socials for our neighbors at Skyview Apartments,

and helping to plant their community garden boxes

-Creating seasonal cards for various nursing homes



In July 2017, eight youth and adults served  at Re-Member on Pine Ridge Reservation, South Dakota, skirting and siding trailer homes, building decks, bunk beds, out houses, and learning about the Lakota people.


During the Christmas season, we collect pajamas for the Salvation Army, and hats and gloves for Grant Elementary School. 


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Guest Preacher, Pastor Alice Shomari 


In June 2021, at the invitation of Pastor Alice Shomari, an elder in the United Methodist Church and chaplain at Faith Regional Hospital, First Congregational Church donated about 80 children size chairs, 80 adult size brown folding chairs with arms, and 130 choir robes to churches in Congo (DRC). Ophan Grain Train will ship these and other items from Newman Grove Congo Mission and other organizations to churches in Kasumbalesa (a southern border town near Zambia). Pastor Alice was raised in the Democratic Republic of Congo and now, with her husband, services United Methodist Churches in Kansas.


Worship Ministry

Worship arts for the worship space, assistance to the pastor in preparing services, coordination of all action teams serving during the service.


Communion Action Team

Action teams can form for specific projects or events. Communion Action Team

Communion Action Team prepares the elements and table for communion. 


Christmas Dinner Action Team

Christmas Dinner Action Team prepares the dinner and decorations for the annual Christmas Dinner.


Stewardship Action Team

We all know that giving meets needs. That's why we support our favorites charities--and the church. but is that all there is to say about giving?  "Gifting" is evidence in the way God blesses us. "Gifting" enables us to lead more faithful and fulfilling lives. Stewardship Action Team with the Pastor plan the Stewardship theme for the Lenten season (the few weeks leading up to Easter). Recognizing ourselves as both gifting and gifted,our faith grows--and giving acquires a new dimension and deeper value.


Budget Action Team

How much money will we need for ministry next year? The Budget Action Team works with the current budget and the other ministry teams and trends to fashion a budget to bring before the congregation at the spring Annual Meeting.

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Support Groups Who Meet at First Congregation UCC


-Al-Anon meets at the church Mondays and Tuesdays at Noon.


"Al-Anon is a world wide fellowship which offers strength and hope for friends and families of problem drinkers. Al-Anon uses the "12 Steps of Alcoholic Anonymous" as its spiritual guide."



Welcome Linaje Escogido Evangelical Church!


Linaje Escogido logo 

On Sunday, December 1, 2019 First Congregational officially welcomed Pastors Abel and Araceli Garcia and members of their congegation. Linaje Escogido (LE), a Spanish-speaking church has been operating for many years in Norfolk. They now rent space downstairs for worship, fellowhip and classes. It is a joy to know that we are sharing the space that God has given us, and we value growing in friendship with our brothers and sisters Linaje Escogido!

You can find LE Norfolk on Facebook 








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